Command: find
FIND displays lines in one or more text files that contain a string.
FIND [ /C ] [ /I ] [ /N ] [ /V ] "string" [[drive][path]file1]
FIND [/?]
drive the drive letter, e.g. C:
path the directory, e.g. \example\
file1 the file(s) you wish to search, e.g. test.exe
Note: If you do not specify a file, find will take
input from the console. Type Ctrl-Z to finish.
/C Only displays a count of the matching lines.
/I Ignore case during the comparison.
/N Number the displayed lines, starting at 1.
/V Inverts the search: displays lines that do NOT
contain the string.
"string" The string of signs you want to find, e.g. "water" or
"0123". The string must be marked by quotation marks.
/? Shows the help.
FIND supports NLS (national language support).
FIND has the following EXITCODES (ERRORLEVEL):
0 found
1 none found
2 search not completed
find /c loadhigh c:\autoexec.bat
find /c devicehigh c:\config.sys
See also:
Copyright (C) 1998 Jim Hall, updated 2007 by W. Spiegl.
This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.