NASM 2.05 based x86 Instruction Reference[ch274]
A.5.250 PSADBW: Packed Sum of Absolute Differences PSADBW mm1,mm2/m64 ; 0F F6 /r [KATMAI,MMX] PSADBW xmm1,xmm2/m128 ; 66 0F F6 /r [WILLAMETTE,SSE2] PSADBW The PSADBW instruction computes the absolute value of the difference of the packed unsigned bytes in the two source operands. These differences are then summed to produce a word result in the lower 16-bit field of the destination register; the rest of the register is cleared. The destination operand is an MMX or an XMM register. The source operand can either be a register or a memory operand.