Complete 8086 instruction set[MOV]


Operands: REG, memory memory, REG REG, REG memory, immediate REG, immediate SREG, memory memory, SREG REG, SREG SREG, REG Copy operand2 to operand1. The MOV instruction cannot: * set the value of the CS and IP registers. * copy value of one segment register to another segment register (should copy to general register first). * copy immediate value to segment register (should copy to general register first). Algorithm: operand1 = operand2 Example: #make_COM# ORG 100h MOV AX, 0B800h ; set AX = B800h (VGA memory). MOV DS, AX ; copy value of AX to DS. MOV CL, 'A' ; CL = 41h (ASCII code). MOV CH, 01011111b ; CL = color attribute. MOV BX, 15Eh ; BX = position on screen. MOV [BX], CX ; w.[0B800h:015Eh] = CX. RET ; returns to operating system. Flags: C Z S O P A unchanged